Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Kickstarter Watch #17 - Awesomenauts: Starstorm

Awesomenauts is a fun 2D platformer MOBA-style game with interesting characters and far less rage-inducing community when compared to other MOBAs. While the game have received various positive reviews, Ronimo Games needs your help to fund more characters and various additions to the game.
The Kickstarter funding will be used to fund 3 new characters: Ted McPain, Sentry X-58 and Skree. All 3 of these new characters looks great and of course aside from these 3 characters they will also add spectator mode, global chat, and various new features.

What interests me:
- The new characters
- Spectator mode
- New Maps
- Custom games(you can create a room now!)
- The Stretch Goals(Map Editor and Character Setting Editor are particularly interesting)

The campaign still have around 1 month to go and they still need more money to reach their goal. I hope they can reach their stretch goals too because some of them are really interesting. A Map Editor? and a Character Setting Editor? come now, we need those!

If you've played Awesomenauts(which is pretty Awesome) or just want to help out an Indie dev with an interesting game, do back them up!
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